Meet Chip

Chip was born fully sighted and spent his early years in Tampa, Florida. At the age of 9, Chip was involved in a gun shooting accident that left him totally blind. For one year he attended school at the Alabama School for the Blind in Talladega, then was mainstreamed and transferred to Barrett Elementary in Birmingham. He later went to high school in Springville Alabama and then the Alabama School of Fine Arts in Birmingham. His involvement with music began in the elementary school band. Chip was lucky enough to connect with some exceptional teachers that fueled his desire to play music and later led to his career as a professional musician.

Chip now lives in Copperhill Tennessee with his childhood sweetheart and wife, Tracy, and their two totally spoiled dogs, (Astro and Honey,) and their cat Tuckett. He regularly performs his nightclub act in local restaurants and lounges, and spends a good part of his day in his recording studio writing, recording and listening to music.

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